
About keith

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So far keith has created 43 blog entries.

March 2024 Update

2024-03-25T13:55:56+00:0024 March 2024|news|

Its all about the publications!  We are delighted to announce a dedicated author book signing space at the conference.  Titles and authors appearing in person include: The Sherwood Tarot by Mark Ryan & John Matthews, The Fool’s New Journey by John Matthews, The Bee Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes and The High Priestess and The Empress by Susan Wands! Talking of [...]

February 2024 Update

2024-02-13T15:36:05+00:0012 February 2024|news|

They say January is the longest month of the year, but for me it went by way too fast, not only tying up loose ends with the Conference venue, but also working on a new project which is confirmed in the diary for 3-5th April 2025 (more on this later) the month went by in a flash. I am getting [...]

January 2024 Update

2024-01-18T09:07:24+00:0016 January 2024|news|

The first thing I did as we entered 2024 was to contact potential speakers and venue.  It is important to me that venue contracts are signed, and speakers lined up early in the year, that way I can breathe but still have plenty of room to play with if there are any hiccups along the way.   I have spoken to [...]

The Year Ahead

2023-12-31T16:38:24+00:0031 December 2023|news|

New Year Reading and Cards for 2024 I am using the ‘The Good Karma’ Tarot by Kerry Ward published by Welbeck Publishing The year ahead is influenced by the Five of Cups, yikes!  However, it reminds us that we hold the key to shaping our year ahead.  Don’t look back, as what is done is done, so there is no [...]

December 2023 Update

2023-12-05T11:22:38+00:005 December 2023|news|

December News Can you believe another year is almost at an end.   It has been quite a year with the anticipation of the 20th UK Tarot Conference, new venue, and speakers both familiar and new to us gracing my stage.   This conference was the absolute highlight for me and I know the Judgement theme touched many of you. Although you [...]

November 2023 Update

2023-11-13T15:20:04+00:002 November 2023|news|

November News November is always a strange month for me, although there is always conference work to do, generally it is a time when I can step back, at least for a short while. After the conference Martin and I headed off to Pompeii, we had booked this trip just before lockdown and had to cancel, so it had been [...]

October 2023 Update

2023-10-10T17:34:08+01:0010 October 2023|news|

UK Tarot Conference Round Up The 2023 UK Tarot Conference has happened.  I am not going to lie, the build up has been full of frustration, mainly because the venue never answered emails without being chased, phone calls not returned and most of the time I was left in limbo. However, praise where praise is due, they pulled it out [...]

September 2023 Update

2023-09-26T11:24:20+01:0022 September 2023|news|

I start planning the conference immediately after the last one finishes, we have now gone from counting the months to counting days! Final preparations are being made, most of the presentations and handouts are with me and the register for ‘in person’ attendance is well and truly closed.   The number of virtual attendees are higher than ever before, those of [...]

August 2023 Update

2023-09-01T09:00:22+01:0028 August 2023|news|

  It is time to reveal a secret project I have been working on with the amazing Chris Butler.  I have spoken before about a deck of major arcana cards I created for the 10th anniversary, well of course I was not going to let 20 years pass by without something special.  I asked Chris if he would revamp my [...]

July 2023 Update

2023-07-24T14:19:57+01:0022 July 2023|news|

The menus have arrived from the Marquis Cornwallis pub for our Thursday evening gathering. The hot and cold buffet choices look delicious, we will of course cater for vegetarian and vegans, I will be in touch beforehand to ask about any food allergies.  Normally our pre-conference gathering is around 30 people this year it is 50!  I am just glad [...]

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