We welcome in 2022 with The White Numen Tarot published by @liminal_11
Pisces – The Magician – The energy of 2022 suggests that the timing is right for you use your resources to focus on achieving a goal. You may have been feeling restless, but your energy will start rise as the Magicians magic is ready to work with you.
Aries – Nine of Swords- Worrying has never solved a problem, make a point of not dwelling on the negative instead seeking positive solutions. To much thinking and not enough action… it must change.
Taurus – Ace of Swords – What wonderful opportunities lie ahead for you this year if you help ideas along and allow them to manifest into reality. Focus, and trust your “light bulb” moment when everything will fall into place.
Gemini – The Hanged Man- if you are not sure what 2022 might bring then try looking at your options with a different view. Time to let go of your old stagnant ways and welcome fresh positive ideas allowing them to flow.
Cancer – The Star – If you follow your instincts, this will be an inspiring year as innovative ideas can become reality. This is a year of finding balance in all areas of your life, however, work needs to be done to achieve this.
Leo – Four of Wands – You are entering a new phase in your life as this card is related to achieving your goals. If you have been working on a project, set a completion date, do not let it run and run as your time is now.
Virgo – King of Pentacles – If you are feeling bored with your life then make 2022 a the turning point bringing the opportunity to release yourself from your current situation. Hard work and enterprise will bring financial reward.
Libra – Page of Swords – You may be easily distracted so it is important to focus on a goal which excites you. When your path suits your needs, you will become fully committed to see things through to the end.
Scorpio – The Fool – It is important that you take the time to weigh up all options before making major changes. Do not be blinded by all the positive aspects of an opportunity, there may be more to a situation than meets the eye.
Sagittarius – Page of Wands – 2022 will be a period where you will experience a new lease of life and feel ready for action. If you have been in a rut you will begin to see an improvement as issues begin to resolve, ready for a new positive phase.
Capricorn – Eight of Cups – A situation which has been draining you may seem beyond repair, the only way forward is to break from the negative cycle which has been so prominent in your life for too long. You may not embrace the idea of change, but it will be beneficial overall.
Aquarius – Four of Pentacles – 2022 encourages you to be prudent with finances and, if possible, save a little each month, particularly if you have experienced hardship in the past. It is time to change your attitude towards money, give and you shall receive.