
7 Weeks to go!

2016-08-22T11:50:48+01:0022 August 2016|blog, news|

I always know when the Conference is getting near when the gifts begin to arrive for the ‘goodie bags’.  For a short time my house looks like a bomb has hit it but who cares when it is tarot related! We have the most amazing line up and the launch of two new tarot decks. Phillip Carr-Gomm talking about the [...]

Review Wizards Pet Tarot The ABC’s by Pamela Steele

2016-08-22T08:24:42+01:0022 August 2016|news| It took me ages to unseal this deck because I have a unhealthy fear of animals in particular cats and dogs.  I also have an aversion to any tarot deck where cats are dressed up as key figures in the cards I literally loathe them, I mean why would you, yuk yuk yuk ……  I digress. Anyway today I unsealed the [...]

Review – Tarot Learning Cards

2016-08-15T10:34:50+01:0015 August 2016|news|

Tarot Learning Cards Self Study Flash Cards Jadzia DeForest & Jay DeForest  I find it difficult reviewing books and cards when I am confident with the subject.  I have to say on receiving this ‘self-study’ deck to review, as a tarot teacher my thoughts were .......  I wish I had thought of the idea!!    What a great way to engage [...]

Review: Impressionist Tarot by Corrine Kenner and Arturo Picca

2016-07-10T15:52:01+01:0010 July 2016|news|

(Lo Scarabeo) I find that Lo Scarabeo decks have a Marmite effect, people either love or loathe them, but every now and again they come up with something absolutely stunning.  The Impressionist Tarot is a real masterpiece.  Inspired by impressionist painters such as Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh and Gauguin to name a few.  Each card takes you on a journey [...]

Introducing Steve Hounsome – 2016 Conference Speaker

2016-07-04T14:25:20+01:004 July 2016|news|

Steve has been involved in this field for over thirty years and has completed a wide variety of studies and activities in this time. Steve holds qualifications in a variety of subjects in the spiritual field. He is the creator of ‘The Tarot Therapy Deck and accompanying book, plus three volumes of his ‘Tarot Therapy’ series of books, two other [...]

Review:The Crystal Healing Wisdom Oracle Cards by Judy Hall (Watkins)

2016-05-10T14:38:59+01:0010 May 2016|news|

At a recent meeting with Watkins I spied this Oracle on the shelf, I was delighted to be asked to review a copy.  One of my favourite all time reference books is Judy Hall’s Crystal Bible, I was not sure she could top that but believe me this deck is delicious!     The information and depth of each crystal [...]

Review: The Ultimate Guide to the Thoth Tarot

2016-01-14T16:52:56+00:0014 January 2016|news|

Review by Kim Arnold  The Ultimate Guide to the Thoth Tarot by Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Burger (Llewellyn) £15.99 Bearing in mind the Thoth deck is one of the most popular decks in the world, it seems strange that some Tarot readers do not like it deeming it ‘too heavy’ the truth is,  some modern readers are put off purely because [...]

What is a Kipper Reading?

2016-01-04T20:08:27+00:004 January 2016|news|

Kipper Fortune Telling Cards were first published in 1880 with assistance of a German Fortune Teller Mrs. Kipper. The cards are divided in to people and situation cards. This combination makes readings very straight forward as the images are self explanatory, in fact reading Kipper cards can be likened to reading a story through the cards without the need of knowledge of [...]

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