Just back from a Mediterranean cruise, I’ve developed a habit of searching out Tarot shops wherever I travel. Dubrovnik, apparently has quite an active Tarot scene, and I had my heart set on visiting a specific shop I’d researched beforehand. After walking in circles trying to find it, it was closed when I arrived!!!! Peering through the window, I couldn’t help but notice that the shop’s theme seemed dominated by Game of Thrones memorabilia, making me wonder if I’d missed out on anything at all.

We moved on to Malta, where I found a New Age shop called ‘Stone Market’. However, their Tarot collection was underwhelming, and I was left with concerns about the authenticity of the decks. As someone familiar with the various Tarot decks they had on offer, I’ve never seen packaging like these before. If as I suspected, these decks are fakes, it’s alarming. I’ll be reaching out to the publishers to inquire about this further, and I’ll report back on any findings.

Conference update: There is a change to our upcoming conference programme. Sophie McKay Knight will now be joining us next year, but she’ll be the judge for our World Card competition. In her place, Tiffany Lazic will be hosting her workshop ‘The World at Your Feet’ and I’ll be leading the Friday lunchtime workshop. I had such a lovely response to Tiffany’s workshop offering that it seemed a shame to only allocate her 30 minutes. Sophie was torn with another commitment, so it is a win-win for everyone. Updated programme Here

World Card Competition – Download the template here (Thank you Steven Bright for creating this for us) take a photo or scan it and send your ‘World’ card to me at kimsarnold@hotmail.com before 20th August 2024. There is a fabulous prize!

Finally, a reminder to those holding a ticket on a deposit, full payment will be required within 8 weeks.   Don’t forget you can join us virtually!!