Today is a Sun/Wheel of Fortune day and this morning I had a message from a wonderful tarot friend offering to put some money in to the bursary fund. One thing I decided when I started the conference is that NO ONE would not be able to attend because of lack of means. I will always try and make it happen as some of you reading this who have benefited will know.
This lady filled my heart with joy, her kindness in recognising the huge task ahead of putting on such an event makes me realise I am not alone, a one man band maybe, but with the support of the Tarot Community we will get bigger and better each year.
However, the Bursary fund means that we can offer more to those in the tarot community who cannot normally afford to attend the conference. So thank you to everyone who has hit the £10 donation button, I promise you it all goes to the people who need it most.
If you want to donate you can find the button at the bottom of the page HERE