The preparations for the conference are going really well, in fact I am so ahead of the game I have emptied the Quality Street and Heroes in to the London case for display purposes and just to make sure they are ok I have tried a few sweeties, I can confirm they have been tested by myself so all is good. :)
I have had two major projects on the go, all working in harmony to present at the conference, today was the day everything was suppose to come together, only to be told my additional tarot jewellery is stuck in customs and the film I have been creating has been sent to me half finished. Too late now to do anything about either just now as both are in the lap of the Gods, but talk about falling at the last hurdle. The film was suppose to be the cherry on the cake but I will only be able to show a 3 minute snippet (don’t worry it is not an epic hour long job) but gutted it is not ready in time. Aside from this, everything else if fabulous and having printed over 500 hand outs given to me by various presenters, today I have had a sneak preview of what we can expect, one workshop in particular really excites me and I cant wait to see how it works on the day.
That’s all for now, back after the conference.
Still time to book a few places left,