I start planning the conference immediately after the last one finishes, we have now gone from counting the months to counting days!

Final preparations are being made, most of the presentations and handouts are with me and the register for ‘in person’ attendance is well and truly closed.   The number of virtual attendees are higher than ever before, those of you who know me, know I have a phobia of the tech stuff, thankfully, I have an amazing team of Nick and Matt to ensure this runs smoothly, truth is, you are better off without me near any buttons!

Our sponsors have been amazingly generous, a HUGE shout out to our friends at Llewellyn, Hay House, Watkins, Schiffer/Red Feather, Kindred Spirit magazine and the individuals who have contributed items bringing a wow factor to the day.

I am currently writing my Friday evening presentation, I am not great at following a script so bullet points it is, I prefer to speak ‘off the cuff’, however, digging through information from 20 years ago has been really eye opening, in fact I forgot I sold my car to finance the first conference, I really must have meant business.

To mark our 20th anniversary the wonderful Chris Butler has created the Arcana 20 deck, this Limited-Edition deck features speakers from the last 10 years, it is fabulous, and I am beyond honoured that he took the time to do this for me.  We have only printed 100 decks, so get in quick if you want to own one.  http://tarotconference.co.uk/shop/


Issue 9 of the Esotoracle is due to arrive any day, don’t pre order if you are coming to the conference as the link will charge postage, I will have plenty of copies with me.  If you are NOT joining in person you can pre order here https://esotoracle.com/issue-nine-pre-order

My house looks like a warehouse, every room has boxes stacked to the ceiling with ‘post it’ notes scattered everywhere.   It will all fit in the car (I am going to make this my mantra for the next couple of weeks)!

Finally, if you are joining us in person or virtually, you will receive an ‘everything you need to know’ email from me approximately a week before.  Don’t panic, after 20 years I think we have finally got it sussed.