I don’t know about you, but lockdown has made me lethargic. I feel as if, the less I do, the less I want to do and find it difficult to muster the enthusiasm needed to do anything more than exactly what is required of me.
However, this lack of mojo recently changed following a chat Steven and I had about our magazine “Esotoracle” about what we could do to put some “oomph” into 2021. Thus, the concept of “The Esotoracle Comes to Life” was born and quickly became a reality. (That’s when you know it’s a great idea!)
Our Presenters have all contributed to the magazine and, working with us both, enabled Steven and I to put together an interesting, interactive and fast-paced event covering an amazing array of topics. The day will follow the theme of the magazine, including our Experts and Agony Aunts answering your questions, interactive workshops, experimenting with new card spreads, one-to-one interviews, exciting competitions and will feature some surprises for your further delectation!
You may not be familiar with some of our Presenters but, trust me, they are ALL highly knowledgeable, gifted and talented contributors to the day, and their names will soon find their place among those of the Tarot Masters we are already familiar with. The quality of their writing and work with the cards guarantees this, they have all worked tirelessly in pursuing their knowledge and love of tarot. We are fortunate in their generosity in agreeing to share their wisdom with us on this very special day.
Steven and I have worked hard to offer you all the opportunity of joining us and watch as our magazine comes to life and experience the turning of the virtual pages filled with so much for you to enjoy and participate in. So, book your ticket, sit comfortably in your favourite armchair with your cards and cuppa to hand, and watch the wonders of the day unfold before you! Perfect!
I promise you will love it all!
The event will be hosted via a private Facebook page. To take advantage of our Early Bird offer, tickets can be purchased here https://esotoracle.com/