The Pride Tarot #USgamesinc
Pisces – Six of Swords– Emotional turmoil, unpleasant situation. Do not allow anger or resentment weaken your resolve in making things better.
Aries – The Fool – Potential, Choices, Innocence, New Beginnings. A new journey awaits, think about your options, roll on 2021
Taurus – Two of Pentacles – Balance, juggling life, too much going on. Keep an eye on your spending, don’t let it get out of hand.
Gemini – Eight of Swords – Restriction, Confusion, Trapped. If you are facing challenges, slow down and take time to think about how you can change things.
Cancer – The Hanged Man – Suspension, Martyrdom, new vision. Look at your situation from another angle, the answers are there.
Leo – Three of Wands – Adventure, Planning Ahead, Leadership. Time to consider your options but not necessarily taking the first opportunity that offers itself to you.
Virgo – King of Cups – Emotional Security, Kindness. You may be thinking about how to manifest your dreams and desires. Start the ball rolling, even if it just the smallest step.
Libra – Nine of Wands – Persistence, Struggle, Turmoil. You may be feeling defensive, don’t push away those with good intentions who may be able to help you.
Scorpio – The Lovers – Love, Harmony, Union. Be careful that you are not neglecting those who need your love and attention most.
Sagittarius – Justice – Balance, Truth, Justice. If you are in a moral dilemma, listen to your instincts as to how to proceed without compromising your integrity.
Capricorn – Page of Pentacles – New Opportunities, Financial Gains. Ignite your ambitious streak and desire to achieve more in your life. Time to move projects and ideas forward and make them reality.
Aquarius – Four of Wands – Celebration, Harmony, Home. You are about to find the strength to change things if you have been in an unhappy situation. This is a card full of opportunity.