As you probably know by now my darling Dad passed on the 29/1/2018 = 23 = 5. The Hierophant. Dad was a leader in everything he did, so fitting he went ‘home’ on this day. Amongst the tears this week there has also been much laughter as we recalled stories from the past, he had the most wonderful sense of humour and taught us to be joyful in all that we did.
Between funeral preparations, sorting paperwork out and taking care of Mum I have found that I have manic OCD (who knew)? Cupboards and drawers that have been stuffed with random nonsense for years have now been emptied, trips to the local tip and charity shops have been a regular thing, I have felt a need to clear out and get rid of the stagnant energy. Of course, amongst all of this I have found some very rare cards which I have decided to sell. Some are duplicates, and to my surprise I have discovered a box from my old shop which I closed 10 years ago with cards which are now worth a small fortune, these I will save for the Festival on 2nd June.
I thought I would share with you an extract from my book Tarot (Hay House) the interpretation of the Hierophant, the meaning may well resonate with you, it reads: If you are someone who is not open minded, try to be more flexible as you may miss out on an important opportunity. Although this card connects with spirituality, personal life events may be making you unsettled right now and reassurance is needed.
The urge to be part of something more satisfying than you are currently experiencing will feel necessary at this stage of your life, there is a sense of getting out there and showing the world who you are and what you can do. The Hierophant may appear physically in your life as a wise friend or teacher. However he manifests in your life, this is an important period for you. A personal journey of learning, knowledge and wisdom, exploring traditions of ancient crafts, meditating and finding peace within yourself, whatever life has in store for you now, this will be one of the most significant periods in your life. As a card of wisdom, listen to your teachers and those who are already on a spiritual path, take from them what you need and leave alone what does not sit right with you. Your own intuition will guide you to what is right and wrong.