After what has seemed to be a challenging year on so many levels, I feel ….. (oh god hope I am not talking to soon) ….. that life is getting in to balance. Sunday bought wonderful news that my son and his darling girlfriend have got engaged, I can’t tell you how thrilled we are.
On the work front, I think someone must have put my telephone number in a phone box as I have never been so busy, just when I am happy to take a back step with readings to concentrate on other projects, the clients keep on coming, (not a complaint just an observation). I have two magazine articles coming out in the next month about the Tarot Food Plan so after losing 20lbs initially, thought I had better get cracking in shifting more. Yesterday my head was in gear to begin the 22 Day Major Shift Plan using the major arcana cards, this should, in theory, shift half a stone by Christmas.
My first card drawn for day 1 was The Moon. I have written the meanings to associate with moods and emotions rather than physical so my advice yesterday was: XVIII The Moon – Water If you are experiencing mood swings and anxiety, allow yourself to go with the flow as this will soon pass. If you are able to meditate, do so, as it will help calm your mind. Check out the moon phase when you draw this card. If we are approaching a new moon it is time to make new plans. If a full moon is near, then it is time to release any negative emotions and take action. We also associate this card with deceit so be aware that, by eating off plan, you are only deceiving yourself.
The cards know me so well and I kept the card with me all day to remind me not to cheat/pick/snack and I am pleased to say I didn’t! (yay). Today I have the High Priestess, which means it is a combination day. So far so good.
The 22 Day Plan is now LIVE go the Join Us Page if you want to set yourself a 22 day challenge.
Right back to work, with a bottle of water at my side, day 2 and feeling smug, let us see what day 3 brings tomorrow lol.