What a weekend, I was asked to be a speaker at the Tarot TeleSummit http://www.mcssl.com/app/?Clk=5535276 a huge honour to be nestled between such doyens of Tarot. However, thinking about a subject proved more difficult.
I have been dropping snippets about my new E Book Wellbeing, Weight Loss & Wisdom through Tarot, which was 90% complete, this was just the kick up the back side I needed to get it finished and share with the Tarot Community as a topic for my workshop. I have literally worked until midnight the days before the interview to get this done and loaded on to Amazon and write my notes for the talk.
I was so worried about my hour long talk, this concept is so new I am still finding my way, it is one thing physically working with the programme, it is another talking sense for an hour. But I did it, the information flowed with ease. I should have trusted that the idea is sooooo good why would it not work?
I have completed my 40 day programme with the Tarot Diet and lost 20lbs, I am having a break for a couple of weeks and will resume again, the strange thing is I have not gone back to bad habits, something has changed within me, and I am loving it. A new path indeed.
The ‘big’ book is still being written, but the E Book will set you on your path to get started. Listen to my talk on the concept which is being aired FREE on July 29 at 10:00 am Pacific time 6p.m. GMT. You will get a real sense of how successful this programme can be.
Click on to the link http://www.mcssl.com/app/?Clk=5535276 to register.
Download the 7 day programme HERE via Amazon: