Pisces– The Devil – You may be feeling bogged down with responsibility this month, issues which you can normally deal with seem heavy. Make sure you are not carrying burdens for someone else. You may need to weigh up the consequences if you were to release current burdens. Remember you are in control of your destiny!
Aries– 7 Cups – Conflict between your desires and your fears may be at the forefront this month, by not taking action you have created a stalemate situation because you are afraid of making the wrong decision, plan and be brave, something has to shift!
Taurus– 9 Swords – You may find you are dwelling on the negative rather than looking for positive solutions. Problems may seem larger than they really are. You are doing too much thinking and not taking action, start to look at options which will enable you to move forward.
Gemini– Knight of Wands – If you are caught in a dilemma this month, it is time to stand up for your principles and what you believe to be true. Make sure you have all the facts before rushing headlong in to a situation which will require more energy than is really needed.
Cancer– 3 Pentacles – Hard work and effort will pay off this month. Even if you feel your efforts are not appreciated, someone is watching from the sidelines admiring your work. New and exciting challenges are likely to appear in the near future, so, keep up the good work!
Leo– Page of Pentacles – New projects are on the horizon, paying attention to minor details are important now. This is a card of dreams and desires, so do not limit yourself, however, make sure you are in a position to lay firm foundations, and you could be on your way to a very positive period.
Virgo– 5 Wands- Issues around your career and work may feel like a battle ground, notably with you having to defend your actions or work harder than ever to prove yourself. The frustration will pass but maybe a compromise will have to be agreed before harmony is restored.
Libra– 9 Cups – It is time to look back on what you have achieved in the past, you should be proud of yourself. However, time now to build for a stronger future. With this card it is sometimes said to be careful what you wish for, you might get it! Now is the time to dare to dream, it is likely you will achieve your desired outcome.
Scorpio– Ace Pentacles – New opportunities await you in areas of money and general abundance, don’t miss out on this positive energy if you are in the mood to get things moving. There is a feeling of stability as the energy turns in your favour and life in general starts to look brighter and more positive. This is a good month for healing and there will be positive news around health issues.
Sagittarius– The Emperor – Finding inner strength and leadership is key this month. Look out for opportunities which may change your life for the better. A feeling of confidence will embrace you which will hold you in good stead for any decision making.
Capricorn– Knight of Swords – Do not doubt that you can achieve your ambitions and dreams, try and get your mind focused, this card has a forceful energy which will enable you to act with speed in any event or situation. You may have a habit of over thinking, less dithering and more action is now called for.
Aquarius – The Sun – Family and brighter issues are highlighted this month. This is a card of breakthrough. At long last your hard work and effort will start to pay off. When the energy of the Sun card appears in a reading, everything is on its way to becoming better, brighter and abundant!