I have had such an odd day today. Last week I purchased an oil painting depicting the Goddess of Fire, very root chakra, I had it framed and yesterday hung it in my dining room which in Feng Shui terms is my area of Fame/Ambition. I studied Feng Shui back in the 1990’s and whenever I make changes in my home the principles are never far from my mind. The painting looks great in its new place, I think nothing more of it.
Today, completely out of the blue, I received a copy of my Tarot book (Hay House) in Swedish ……. I had no idea, I cannot tell you how thrilled I am. For someone who never thought they could write, this is a huge achievement and boost to my confidence. I find it hard to ever praise myself, but I am really chuffed. I added up the date today and it is Death, I hope it is the end of the lack of belief in myself and finally (albeit middle aged) I might just have finally got there. Anyway I digress from the Feng Shui theme, my point is that by raising and subtly changing the energy in the Fame area, things have started to shift. Now I am armed with a roll of bin liners ……. Kim Arnold is having a clear out. Sometimes we just have to practice what we preach ha ha!