It has been a day of contrast and it is only 1p.m. I receive an e mail from a dear and respected friend which has reminded me that a Tarot community which should be strong and supportive in reality is a lonely place as an organiser. The most difficult thing anyone can do in their life is to pop their head above the parapet and be counted, I did this 13 years ago and it has not always been an easy ride. It is ok for people to be critical when they have nothing to lose, but at the moment I have enough on my plate to be worried about pettiness.
Then within 10 minutes of this e mail, I received an e mail from the FABULOUS Ruth Ann who along with Wald runs the Readers Studio NYC, I have just registered my place for next year and was directed to this Facebook page
Guess WHAT?!?!? KIM ARNOLD has just registered for the 2016 Readers Studio! I am over the moon. Hurray! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Let me be the second of the Readers Studio attendees to WELCOME the UK’s Kim Arnold, and we will now commence to fussing endlessly about her. Tell us everything you know about Kim, when you met her, what books of hers you have read, below. Now the rest of you simply MUST come, because you can meet Kim, who will be flying over from England. Oh my gosh, delighted. Say hello to Kim, folks, and give her a huge welcome!
………. Kim is the magic behind the UK Tarot Conference, since 2003! I am so totally pumped that Kim is going to join us for this Readers Studio! Pardon me, folks, all exclamation marks and such, but I really am pleased. Kim is one of the ‘Bigs’ in England, one of the people whose constant drive and dedication has brought Tarot to more and more people in a responsible and educational way. Ferol Humphrey
OMG I am completely overwhelmed and now even more excited that I have decided to go. Thank you lovely people of the USA Tarot Community you have restored my faith at a time I was feeling pretty low. Just when I think of chucking it all in the universe has another chapter for me.
The Magician is working his magic today.