Thirteen years ago I suffered terrible intimidation from local churches mainly protesting about my work with Tarot. One man in particular a Pastor Tidy led the campaign to drive me out of the village. (Little Britain comes to mind ‘I am the only witch in the village’). Cutting a very long story short, the Tarot Conference was born as a two finger gesture to him. It was only expected to be a one off but here we now are 12 years on, thanks to him. He left the area as far as I knew and that was the end of that.
This morning Martin and I decided to go for breakfast, I was talking about the upcoming conference and how his heart attack had lost me time in promotion, I was not complaining just explaining. Anyway sat down, ordered our food, we were bursting with conversation when I saw him, Tidy sitting at the next table! I nudge Martin, “That’s Tidy” I have not seen this man for over 10 years, I quickly added up the date in my head, The Emperor, well he thinks he is, but believe me this horrid man who likes to intimidate women is a cowardly bully who hides behind his blind faith following the old Testament to force his will upon others. I could not stop looking at him, he did not make eye contact with me, maybe because I was with my husband and a male friend he did not feel quite so brave.
The strangest thing is, I am back in my office feeling driven, he has reminded me that no one has the right to decide what is right for you/us personally. The Tarot Conference will be in full swing in just over two weeks’ time because I did not let him block my path, the Conference is gathering strength and this year we WILL again be full to the brim. Thank you Pastor Tidy you have a strange way of motivating me but today you reminded me why this conference is so important, it is because I and many others believe and love Tarot, it no longer has to be behind closed doors and I have no fear of you and your threats.
Counting the days until the event!