The research for my Hanged Man talk is taking hours, days and nights as there is so much conflicting evidence about his origins. I have also discovered through literally hours of trawling information about him, that most of this is not backed up by facts. For example, if the Hanged Man (was) (is) (maybe), based on Judas, how the hell did he hang himself by the foot, this is not our Tarot Hanged Man, where is the evidence Judas was hung by his foot? I am no scholar but I do have a bucket load of common sense. (No doubt someone will answer the question of how he hung himself by the foot).
The Hanged Man is stressing me out, I am dreaming of him, he is sending me cryptic messages which I need to unravel. If only he could write this talk I would be very happy. So I have decided to put the books away, stop Googling The Hanged Man and go with the flow.
I do promise my talk at this years UK Tarot Conference will be entertaining, maybe that is what my Hanged Man wants from me. I will leave the conspiracy theories to the well read, they can argue his origins between them. However, I have created a really good spread, all about releasing and sacrificing, I surprise myself sometimes!
I am not surprised it is a Moon day today, reduce 18 – 9 and we get the Hermit, now there is a card I love.