Without wanting to sound too hippy dippy, I needed time in Glastonbury, a chance to spiritually reconnect. Too many things have happened lately and I was losing my faith in the things I once held dear. Anyway Martin and I headed off to the West Country, the sun was shining, the journey went without a hitch everything seemed to flow, this was going to be a good few days, I could feel it in my water!
We parked the car and went in to the first shop aptly named Happy Glastonbury, what a beautiful shop, I walked through the door and centre display was MY book Tarot Basics, “Eek my book” I screeched, the lady said oh do you have a copy, Martin made a sarky comment “yes I got about a 50 boxed in the garage” luckily she didn’t hear (lol) “I am the author” I replied, it was the first time I have ever muttered those words, bless her she was quite impressed, and thanks to her enthusiastic response I spent an arm and a leg (possibly 2 legs) on a variety of things including my much loved Moon Gazing Hare. Many shops later, and an added bonus of bumping in to a friend serving in a shop who I haven’t seen for about 15 years, (how wonderful to reconnect with the lovely Kate) we made our way to Chalice Wells, this is a beautiful sanctuary of peace, all was going well until a coach load of French school kids piled in, I won’t tell you what I said but suffice to say it was not spiritual. We moved away from them and sat in the garden for at least 10 minutes, before heading back.
Have you ever had one of those moments when you could kick yourself, I went in to a shop where I found a handmade sculpture decorated with Aqua Aura, it was really stunning and expensive, I picked it up, I loved it, I put it down, I went for a coffee, mulled it over, seriously, could I justify it (cough ….. just bringing your attention back to my books in the garage), no I really shouldn’t buy her and I didn’t, I have not stopped thinking about it, she is meant to be mine, dam me for having a sensible head at that time (sad face).
Anyway, Glastonbury was wonderful, the only regret other than not buying the sculpture was when we decided to walk up the Tor it started to rain, I will leave that for next time.
I feel recharged and ready for a very busy period, The Tarot Festival and Conference are looming, plus next month my workshop of developing Tarot and Clairvoyance needs more planning, and details for a another workshop with the lovely David Wells will be released soon, this little lot is just off the top of my head, and oh did I mention I have a few copies of my book available if you haven’t bought a copy yet, signed by me of course (smile)!