With great excitement a box of my Tarot Basics book arrived this morning in time for my retreat weekend. (Have to say a huge thank you to Hay House for rushing this out to me prior to release date).
You would think that a basic book would be an easy thing to write, well believe me it wasn’t. Going back to basics is like driving a car, after a while you get to know the roads where you don’t have to indicate to turn or look in the rear view mirror, you take things for granted, with this book I literally had to research pretty much every card again, and I have to be honest I had forgotten what I use to know on a basic level if that makes sense. Over the last 20 odd years I have compiled notes for my tarot teaching which saw the light of day for the construction of this book. There were some great exercises I had forgotten I knew and it probably took me twice as long to write this book as I was re reading articles and techniques from yonks ago. For those of you who know tarot, this may not teach you anything new, but it will make you revisit the early years of learning the cards, refresh your memory and encourage you to add layers to your readings.
I feel really proud of myself as writing does not come naturally to me, neither does concentrating for any length of time, but I did it, and I must be a glutton for punishment as I am writing another book about Gothic Oracles with a deadline at the end of this month, so better crack on or the publisher will be chasing me! (Look at me showing off I will soon be Mrs Three books on the shelves) not bad for a dim wit lol x
You can pre order the book here: http://www.hayhouse.co.uk/tarot