It is true that patience is a virtue, after a few days of feeling completely overwhelmed, something has clicked in to place.    I have too much clutter in my life, wardrobes stuffed with clothes I never wear, my office a terrible muddle with paper and books all over the place and we won’t even talk about the official junk cupboards.  In 1990 I started my training as a Feng Shui consultant with William Spear.   He had a wonderful way of looking at the world, explaining how easy it was to change your energy by changing your environment.  I fully immersed myself in the principles of Feng Shui, I even went as far as eating only micro biotic food (that didn’t last long, it is rank), but I gave it a go.   Today I told myself off, I know this stuff, I know it on a professional level, so why on earth have I let myself become a messy slut.

Today wardrobes have been pulled out, black bin liners filled ready to go to the charity shops, phone calls pending have been made, the office will be dealt with tomorrow and already I feel lighter.     Temperance is all about restoring the balance so it was no surprise when I added up today’s date.  Let us hope it lasts!