Three days in to the new year and nothing much has happened, suddenly it seems like a long break and I am looking forward to Monday when life gets back to normal.
I cannot believe that almost 10 years ago to the day we launched Psychic Cafe, in the months prior to the launch, you would not believe the hours of work that went in to getting the format right, part of this was offering an opportunity for people who wanted to run a psychic business with our support, to become a Psychic Cafe Licensee. Baring in mind I had run a successful business for many years it should have been a piece of cake. But you realise as time goes on that when you run a business no one works as hard as the boss.
We have a strict filtering system for those who apply to be a licensee, you need to be dedicated, hard working, have a passion for teaching and a bonus would be that you have friends or know people already who want to learn more. If a reason for wanting to become a Licensee was because ‘Spirit said’ then you are not for us. That said, we have had, and do have some lovely people hosting Psychic Cafes around the country, it offers a wonderful opportunity to develop your psychic skills over a cup of tea, no pressure just an evening of development and fun. Fancy kicking off the new year with a new project, if you want 2015 to be a year of action, you CAN do something you love. Then have a look here: you never know, it could be just what you are looking for.