The Buddhist meditation group I have been attending has been going ok, however, last week it turned in to more of a counselling workshop than meditation, too many broken people indulging in their negative mind set, we managed to do just one meditation in an hour and 45 minute session. This morning I e mailed Buddhist man (aka Ian) and said I did not think I would attend anymore sessions as therapy was not what I signed up for. He sent me a lovely note and assured me today we would meditate. Now I am thinking you probably feel I am being mean, and some people need the counselling, well yes, true, but shit happens in life, and there are appropriate groups to share one’s deepest and darkest moments, not the meditation group.
Anyhow, today (Justice) balance was restored and the session was what we have paid for, good, deep meaningful meditation. One more session to go and the course is finished, I think I might miss it.