After the ‘In which I panic’ Blog I laid a few cards. On the whole it looks ok, but I really don’t like the 3 Swords.
Many years ago the lovely Mark McElroy (probably my favourite speaker of all time), told me that if I didn’t like a card to just take it out the deck. I toyed with the idea, but I just couldn’t do it, it would just mean you are avoiding the issue, anyhow, a similar card such as the Tower might appear then I would be more freaked out. I am hoping the 3 Swords is reflecting my moment of panic, I hope so because the rest of the reading looks fab!
On the back of panic, which can be a good thing as it makes you think outside the box, I have been very pro active today, let’s see what comes out of it all. Now I am panicking I have been enthusiastic under The Tower energy, I am thinking I should have waited until tomorrow, (17 The Star) …….. oh crap, should probably be a duvet day today!