Hay House

My first impression of this deck is that it is half way between a Tarot and Oracle deck. There are 78 cards, and the suits are divided in to Earth, Air, Fire and Water. My initial curiosity was to flick through the cards to find Death and as I thought, no Death but Transformation. 

The borderless cards are beautiful and nice quality, but if you are looking for a traditional Tarot deck then this does not tick the boxes.  There is hardly any visual reference to tarot symbolism, this is explained later in my review. 

Each image is gentle but as a traditional Taroist, I did find them hard to read. For me, I would have to read the images intuitively rather than connect them to the traditional card meaning, as if you know your Tarot, the image does not always relate to the card number , for example 5 of Fire V’s 5 Wands, visually I just don’t get it!

The guidebook is well written and Colette actually mentions that the deck was a calling from spirit and this clearly comes through in the images.  I love the fact that each card has a meaning and an affirmation to work with, I think this would be helpful for some clients.  Colette writes that she was guided to do things differently, in a non conformist way and it will take time to get use to working with them.  I agree with this, but I must reiterate the cards are beautiful, and it is good to see something new hitting the Tarot shelves.

Take a look at the cards, if you want something different then invest in the deck, certain cards will call you as they did me, in particular for me The Magician.  This deck will stretch your imagination and make you think outside the box, as a reader this can only be a good and positive thing.